Advocacy Guru & Graphic Designer
With more than 20 years of experience in government affairs and corporate communications, coupled with a knack for advanced graphic design, Carrie Murchison is known for creating and branding innovative advocacy campaigns that impact public policy.
When managing external affairs at eBay, Carrie built a grassroots powerhouse, growing the company’s seller-advocate community to more than 300,000 small business owners galvanized in a collective, amplified voice to achieve legislative victories on state, federal and international issues. Her successful “Net Neutrality” campaign was the largest corporate grassroots campaign in history to that point. Carrie played a similar role at International Paper, where she managing all aspects of public policy communications for the Fortune 100 manufacturing company.
Prior to going corporate, Carrie was Communications Director for a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, where she also co-founded a caucus of likeminded, high-tech Press Secretaries in Congress. (Fun fact: she was known on the Hill as “Dear Carrie” thanks to authoring a part Emily Post, part Congressional Quarterly weekly advice column offering both etiquette and ethics insight to Congressional staffers.)
Carrie left DC for her home state of Texas, where she lives in Austin with her husband and two kids. She obsesses over fonts, color palettes, and all aspects of good design. Carrie is often found at her 42” monitor with a mouse in one hand, a taco in the other, and a cold glass of champagne nearby.